Monday, March 9, 2015

Healthy Snacking: Prepping for the Whole Week

Can I have these gummies? Can I have a piece of candy? I'm huuuuuungryyyyyyy!!!!

I realized a few weeks ago that my children our family had a snacking problem.  The problem wasn't so much that we were hungry, but what we were choosing to snack on.  Crackers, leftover candy from whatever recent holiday, gummies, and cheese were our go to choices.  I preach to my children the importance of eating healthy, but I was part of the problem because I wasn't making these foods readily available for little hands to grab.  There was always a bowl of apples on the counter, but every time you're hungry you don't want an apple, right?  So I knew I needed to make a change.

I bundled up both of the kiddos and we headed to the store!  They were going to choose the fruits and veggies they liked and thought they would eat throughout the week.

Here's what we ended up with:

Healthy Snacks for the week!!

  • strawberries
  • grapes
  • sliced cucumbers
  • sliced carrots
  • chopped iceburg lettuce with shredded carrots and diced cucumbers

Just buying the healthy food wasn't enough.  I knew that if they were going to eat this food willingly, I had to get it all ready for whenever the feeding frenzy would begin.  So, I got to work.  I washed, peeled, and cut every vegetable and fruit we bought; packaged them up and we were set!  But we needed the final touch...ranch dressing!  If they will willingly eat carrots and cucumbers for a snack, I am more than happy for them to pair it with ranch--whatever it takes!

Yesterday morning Little Missy came upstairs with this in her hands:

Success!!  She did this all on her own, so much better than a processed pack of gummies!

Want to load your kids up with fruits and veggies?  Try this.

1.  Take them to your favorite produce place.
2.  Have your kiddos pick out what looks good to them.  They will be more willing to eat their own selections.
3.  Once you're home, wash, cut, and prepare all fruits and veggies.
4.  Place your prepared food in kid-friendly containers and put it low enough in the refrigerator so they can get it on their own.
5.  Let them know they are free to eat these whenever they get hungry, or whatever your snacking rules may be.  I told my kids this was the food they were always allowed to have and they didn't need my permission to get it.  (Would I really tell them, "No, you can't have a carrot right now?" ?!?)
6.  Step back and give yourself a pat on the back!  Way to go Mama!

What snacking options do your kiddos enjoy?

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